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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

NEWSLETTER: go vote California


Wow, 20 days and several mostly done but not posted newsletters...I am switching to daily updates on the blog, commentary on the calendar posts, and a shorter email blast. However, I will likely also switch over to a 3 times a week blast instead of just one. OR you'll all join Afrologica and that won't be necessary...yeah yeah yeah, destination fatigue, I get it. School is almost out, so I will be done with the 320 miles/week commute, freeing time to dance, research, write and blog. Oh yeah! I have some footage from my recent trip to Oakland that I will post soon. Below please find my Tweets from earlier today as I went over the propositions on the ballot today. Basically, if you have a hard time getting to the polls because you are disabled, mentally ill, or a child, you are loosing money on this ballot. And if you are person with a dependent and too busy to read the propositions all the way through, you are loosing money too.

Afrolicious. Afrologia. Afrodelic. Afropoesia. Afrologica. How big is your 'fro? Fractal, improvisational, polemical, but always moving with spirit and in service to lifting us all up! That's the Logic of the Afro--sign up, read up, be up--you can move mountains, now make it beautiful

BLOWIN BACK DA 'FRO right now are scary propositions to balance the California state budget...

Good morning Californians. Please go and vote today! 20 minutes till polls open. yeah, 1A &B SUCK, but it's that or bankruptcy.1A is absolutely perverse and 'bassakward' in its reduction of the dependent tax credit. Real issue is pre-1978 property & Prop 13How insanely putrid is 1B? Stinks so bad my eyes hurt reading it. Prop98, which guides 1B, is the stinker. Cynical does not cover it.Heading out to vote, wishing we were having the constitutional convention instead. CA is run like a very old poorly maintained switch boardAHH! I was leaving and looked at 1C. NO WAY! Why is education under attack? Lottery to balance budget? Whaat? Driving addiction as policy?It's appropriate that prop 1D is so titled. This will not pass. The trend? Take money from kids cause they can't vote. Save 1st 5, no on 1D1E: Robbing Peter to pay Paul. Strike the 3 strikes law & terminate contracts with private prisons, then come for kids and the vulnerablejust back from voting. completely empty polling place. how much are we spending on this special election? at least I was called "dear."

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